Work with any medium for awhile and you tend to get into a bit of a rut, or routine in how you do things. Once you’re in your rut, it’s rather rare when you come across something that changes how you do things. When you do, it’s a bit of a big deal. 😀
I’ve been in a bit of a rut when it comes to web development/web publishing. Granted, I learned how to use Moveable Type recently, but even then, I still tend to type out my entries in Edit+ first and use the rest of the tools that I’ve come to know and loathe, I mean love. However, recently I came across a little program called Xenu’s Link Sleuth and it’s changed how I manage web sites.
For those that aren’t familiar with web publishing, publishing to the web is much like creating MS Word documents. The main difference is that you need to keep track of where you put stuff. Think about how you save your work now. I would venture a guess that sometimes you save your work to your desktop. Other times you might save it to your My Documents folder, or even a network drive. Now, what if you had to keep track of every file that you’ve created with MS Word? Could you do it? Now you can see how difficult it can be to keep up with a web site.
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