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The personal blog of Michael Ashby

Category / family & friends

It’s Got To Be In Their DNA

A woman shoppingI know not all women are into shopping, but I think it’s fair to say that in a broad generalization, most women enjoy the shopping experience. They enjoy the browsing, the comparing of products from different stores and the hunt for a good bargain. My wife Holly is definitely no exception to the rule. That woman can shop like no one I’ve ever seen. From sun up to sun down she can browse and pick through wave after wave of what I perceive as pure crap for days on end. There is no limit to the amount of shopping my wife can do. This past weekend we flew home to Louisiana to visit friends and family. Since our flight brought us into New Orleans, it was only natural that we spend a few hours wandering around the French Quarter before making the drive to Baton Rouge. As I watched Holly shop that afternoon, all became clear as to the how and why’s of shopping for women and why it’s different for men.

Like most guys, I don’t like to shop, I like to buy. I decide that there’s something that I need and I go out and buy it. I might do a little price shopping on-line to make sure I’m not getting ripped off, but when I walk into a store, I’m looking to make a purchase. For example, let’s say that I need a new pair of jeans. I’ll drive over to the mall, go into a store, try a few pairs on and then buy a pair that fits and leave. Holly on the other hand would need to go to three additional stores to make sure that she was getting the best jeans at the best price.

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Feasting In The New Year

A photo of our dinner table with the food servedThis year, my family toasted in the New Year a little bit different than we have in the past. We didn’t have any parties to go to this year, my Mom was in town and I had a few new recipes that I wanted to try. After a brief discussion, we decided that we would start the New Year with a big meal. Some people go on diets at the first of the year. The Ashby’s – we feast. 😛

The plan was to have a nice breakfast and the cook a big lunch/dinner all in the same day. We had done this for Christmas and the Sunday after. It was so much fun, that we figured we’d make it a trilogy. Since trilogies were on our mind, we also decided that we’d all go see The Lord Of The Rings – The Return Of The King on New Year’s Eve. What better way to prepare for an epic dinner than to watch an epic movie.

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Ahhhh What A Day

Christmas Dinner - YUM!I had one of the best Christmas’ I can recall. I had no idea that Christmas Day could be so relaxing and fun. That’s not to say that Christmas is usually horrible or anything, it’s just that, typically, it’s very stressful and frantic. When Holly and I travel to Baton Rouge it’s complete bedlam trying to see everyone as we run from place to place. Even if we stay in town, we’ve typically been overwhelmed with activity, often times to the point that it’s been more about getting the next item complete on the task list, instead of quality family time.
So made this year different? I think a lot of it had to do with the way Christmas fell this year. Having it on a Thursday meant that most people were looking at 5 days off, so the pace of this Christmas was a little less hectic. In addition, I made the concerted effort to take time off. Instead of trying to squeeze in family time with other deadlines, which is my usual habit, I decided to just spend time with family. The third contributing factor to such a wonderful Christmas, was that I decided to cook. Ever since I decided to figure out how to cook Madelines, I’ve been bitten by the bug to get into the kitchen. This year I decided I would try and tackle the tall order of cooking the Christmas meal.

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A Toast To Dan Westman

Men, raise your glasses high!Today is a happy day for a couple of my good friends – Dan and Rachel. That’s right, they are getting married tonight! It’s one of those happy and unexpected stories of love lost and found again. Boy meets girl. Boy and Girl drift apart. Boy meets Girl again in a new city. Boy is surprised he still has feelings for Girl. Girl is just as surprised. Boy and Girl begin dating again. Boy and Girl move in together. Boy and Girl get married and move to Guam. Who hasn’t experienced the exact same story in their own lives? Especially the Guam part. 😉 I may be making light, but today is a very big day for my buddy Dan. I know that Dan and Rachel are very much in love and I know that they are going to do great as husband and wife.

Last night was his bachelor party and he put me in charge. Luckily Dan is a low key guy and wasn’t looking for the “typical” bachelor party. I’ve mended my ways since then and all my oats have been sewn, so instead we had a nice relaxing evening of cigars, scotch and male bonding. We went to the Havana Lounge downtown and enjoyed a few limited edition Arturo Fuente Opus X cigars and a few glasses of Macallen Scotch. It was a well spent evening as we talked about where we’ve been and where the future seems to be heading and all the fun we’ve had along the way.

I believe that there are some standards that have to be met when a good friend is getting married. It doesn’t matter if it happens at the bachelor party, or not, but it’s important that these “rules” be followed at some point during the process of getting married. These are not rules that I found in some book and adopted, these are rules that I have lived and continue to live by. Allow me to explain.

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Holidays Have You Stressed Out?

This time of year is one of the most stressful times of all. Christmas parties, shopping at packed malls and getting together with family can push anyone over the edge. Today is a stressful one for me. I had some shopping that had to get done this morning. I have Holly’s office Christmas Party tonight […]

My Letter To Santa

I Need SleepI’ve been working for about three days with very little sleep. I’ve found a neat way to create a Wish List for the weblog, but I haven’t had a chance to configure it yet. With Christmas just around the corner, it’s now or never, so I’m posting it here for starters. I hope that I’ll be able to get the Wish List weblog configured this weekend, but since I may not, here’s the Internet based version of my letter to Santa.

   » Receipt Folders ($12.95)
   » Lamy Vist Ballpoint Pen ($16.95)
   » Lamy Vista Pencil ($16.95)
   » Lamy Vista Rollerball Pen ($19.95)
   » Three-Way Organizer ($19.95)
   » Briefcase Folders ($19.95)
   » Levenger Mach 6 Fountain Pen ($24.95)
   » Time Traveler Clock ($29.95)
   » Private Library Kit ($29.95)
   » Pad Backer, Letter in Toffee ($79.95)

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A Little Slice Of Heaven

A Slice Of HeavenHolly and I love having friends and family stay with us. It gives us a chance to do some quality visiting, time to catch up on what’s been happening with each other and of course, enjoy some good food. As much as we enjoy it though, it can be a little draining, so we’ve developed a little ritual after everyone has left. It wasn’t planned mind you, it’s just one of those things that happen naturally, but I look forward to it as soon as I hear that someone is coming to visit.

Holly’s Mother and Grandmother were in town since last Sunday. Holly took off 3 days from work so that she could spend time with them and they clearly had a blast. I too enjoyed visiting with them in the evenings when they would come home from a day of shopping and sightseeing. Holly’s Grandmother, Inez, is a real character. She’s so full of life and quick to crack a joke. She’s a real joy in our lives. Holly’s Mom, Judie, is a gem as well. Since we don’t get to see her as often as we’d like, every time we see her Holly and I turn into 10 year olds trying to show our Mom what we’ve recently done. “Mom, look at what I did.” Mom, look at what I can do!” I may be 36 years old, but you wouldn’t know it when I try to show off my latest home project, or recent web site design. We had a blast while they were here and we were sorry to see them go yesterday morning. We all stood in the morning frost, while they pulled out of the driveway and headed back to Baton Rouge.

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Holly Auditions For Nashville Star

Nashville StarHolly auditioned for the USA Networks television show Nashville Star this past weekend, only she didn’t do it in person. Instead, she submitted a video tape of her music and her life for the producers to review. If chosen for the show, she will have to live in a house here in Nashville with the other 9 contestants during the competition. The winner receives a recording contract from Sony Music Nashville.

This is the second season for Nashville Star and although we don’t think that she’ll be picked, it was a good excercise and helped generate a lot of ideas and focus on Holly’s music career. It’s not that we don’t think that Holly is talented enough, quite the opposite, it’s just that there are so many people auditioning for these coveted 10 slots that the chances of the producers watching her video and choosing her seem quite slim. But whose to say? I’m sure last year’s winner, Buddy Jewell thought the same thing when he auditioned.

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I Am A Holiday Voyeur

ThanksgivingHolidays are a weird time for me. For most people, holidays are a time for family and for sharing in common family customs. Growing up I didn’t have a lot of these rituals. My father wasn’t around much, I never really had any grandparents, and after my Mom got her divorce, it was just to two of us. When Christmas or Thanksgiving would come around, we would become flooded with invitations to attend the dinner of another family. More often than not, we would go to a friend’s house a celebrate the time of year with them.

Every family has different customs and styles of celebrating the holidays. Since these customs were not my own, I always took on the role of the observer. If it were my own family’s ritual, then I would more than likely take things for granted, because ‘that’s just the way we do things.’ But these aren’t my customs, so I always hang back a bit and make sure I’m going with the flow. It’s not as if I’m visiting a tribe in Uganda. I mean everyone pretty much celebrates Christmas, or Thanksgiving similarly, but there are mannerisms and habits that make each one unique. Also, since I’m not an immediate part of the family, I’ve always been a bit of the odd man out.

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Welcome A New Member To The Family

TuminiA few weeks ago, I was standing in the kitchen taking my first sip of coffee and looking out the kitchen window. After I swallowed my delicious coffee, I uttered ‘Son of a bitch.’ Holly said, ‘What?’, and then looked out the window and said, ‘Awww crap.’ What were we bitching about? Outside our window was a little calico kitten sitting on the window ledge.
Having just nursed Monkey back to health and spending a fortune in the process, the idea of having to take care of another cat was not something either of us were looking for. We already have 4 indoor cats and a new puppy. The integration process seems to be never ending and throwing a new kitten into the mix just makes me cringe.

I went outside to check on this little kitten and saw that he/she had some worms but otherwise seemed healthy. It looked like none of the other cats on our block and our house backs up to a pasture, so I couldn’t imagine where this cat came from. I went and bought a small bag of kitten chow and the kitten just gobbled it up. Clearly it was hungry. What were we going to do?

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