This weekend I updated the template that I use on my blog. As I’m wont to do, freshening up the site turned my thoughts back to the the origins and history of my blog. Oh what a humble little blog we were back in 2003. Anyway, I decided to do a recap and share my […]
Tag / movabletype
Alchemy In Action
I switched from MoveableType to WordPress back in September of last year and it’s been one of the best decisions that I’ve made regarding this blog. WordPress is just so much easier and, dare I say, FUN to use. There’s a richer developer community, more templates and generally more help out there than there is […]
Paying The Price For Being #1
One of the funny things about having a blog is that you never know what is going to strike a chord with the people that read your blog, or for that matter Google. By some quirk of an algorithm you find that you’re at the top of the charts on one topic or another and […]
Reverting ReCaptcha Plugin To .01
I’ve been a big fan of the ReCAPTCHA service since it launched and was eager to implment it on my blog when MT4 was released last year. It was a complete kludge to get it working, but I eventually did figure out the voodoo necessary. You would think I’d leave well enough alone, but alas, […]
Upgraded to 4.1
I just upgraded the blog to version 4.1 Personal so that I can kick the tires and become more familiar with all of the new changes. Just on my initial inspection, I can already see that this is what 4.0 should have been. Well, they don’t call it “cutting edge” for nothing I guess.