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The personal blog of Michael Ashby

Tag / streaming

Imogen Heap – Ellipse Live Stream

Going through the morning e-mail, tweets and other such updates and came across the most wonderful surprise. Imogen Heap is streaming her latest album, “Ellipse” online. I’ve already pre-ordered the album on iTunes, but since it doesn’t release until August 24th, I’m thrilled that I don’t have to wait any longer to enjoy her new […]

What Podcasts Do You Listen To?

The holidays kept me running a good bit and now with the start of the year, I’ve been going 100 miles an hour and haven’t had a lot of time to write. In playing with the free music streaming service Pandora ( and having a quick chat with a friend about podcasts we listen to, I thought of a quick post that I thought I could squeeze in with today’s hectic schedule.