I’ve just recently stumbled upon comedian James Veitch and I am completely smitten. His ability to integrate technology bits into his performances are just spot on. If you like the video above, I recommend his TED talk This is what happens when you reply to spam email and More adventures in replying to spam.
Tag / youtube
When Did I Get So Smart?
A friend of mine, Tim Davies, forwarded a link to me today asking me “When did you get a Ph.D?” I had get about 5-minutes into the video, but it was worth the wait when I saw the following. It’s always funny to me when I see someone with the same name as me. I’m […]
Absolute Brilliance – Old Spice Personalized Commercials
It’s Friday and you don’t want to work and you’re looking for a distraction? Well, look no further! OldSpice has done a series of personalized commercials and posted them on YouTube. Simply go to this link and prepare to be amazed. Very funny, very clever and I have no doubt that I’ll be buying an […]