I still find the fact that I have a weblog a bit odd. I guess I just never saw myself as a writer, much less someone who would post personal tidbits on the web. However, today marks 6 months that I’ve been doing it, so I guess I didn’t know myself very well did I? 😉
When I started this weblog, I really had no idea what it was going to look like, or what I would write about. Would I mostly comment on technology like Mike Rohde does on his weblog? Would I post interesting news like the guys at Gearbits? Or, would I focus on my personal life, like the wonderfully heartfelt and funny Jumping Monkeys? Well, I’d like to think that it’s been a nice tasty mix of all three examples.
I read all three of those weblogs almost daily and I think they are all excellent examples of how diverse and high quality weblogs can be. In these past six months, I’ve expanded from a simple weblog into a multi-weblog. I added movies, books, photos, a photolog, a workout journal and even a travelogue. Crazy! :O
Now that I’ve run the gambit with this medium, I decided to condense the content just a bit. I’ve moved the movie and book sections into the main weblog, so you can now find that information in the Books and Movies category archives.
So what’s in store for the next 6 months? Who knows! I’m enjoying this wild ride as much as you are. And that’s the most surprising part. I’m amazed at the fact that people do want to read what I write. It’s not that I have a huge audience or anything, but this humble little weblog averages about 1200 unique visitors and approximately 5000 page views a month. That’s pretty surprising to say the least.
Ummmmm WTF?!
You have dominated the domain of the audible world, so moving to printed media is the next logical step for you. I love reading this thing – it’s the highlight of my otherwise dreary day. I’ve gotten so accustomed to reading your weblog with all of it’s http://www.mashby.com links that normal conversation is such a drag.
Now instead of “what time is it”, I query as to time(); and get back the always reliable http://www.howstuffworks.com/question285.htm answer
–zeke the creator