A good friend of mine, Justin Nolan, just launched his own weblog at http://www.pdaguy.org. I met Justin a few years back after he took over running the Kansas City Palm Users Group, a group that I helped found when I lived in Kansas. Knowing how much fun and work he was in for, we quickly became friends as he learned the ropes. Nowadays, he little, if any, help from me as he’s taken the PUG places that I haven’t gone.
For example, KCPUG is currently working on a New User Seminar for new Palm OS users. The idea is that this will be a separate meeting from their regular monthly meeting and will focus strictly on new users. It’s a good idea and one that I wish I had thought of. 🙂
Best of luck Justin on your new weblog. I hope you find yours as fun and exciting as I have!
LOL Mike, it’s almost like you’re setting up a webblog empire these days! 🙂