Holly and I didn’t walk yesterday. She had an appointment to take Monkey, our Siamese cat, to the vet and we didn’t wake up early enough to do our walk. I figured we could walk when she got home, but when she called sobbing after leaving the vet, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. It seems that Monkey may have some liver problems. We’ll know more this afternoon when we take him back for an ultrasound.
I did manage to take a little extended walk that afternoon with Gracie. Our street is at the top of a very steep hill, so walking down and back can give you quite a little workout. I need to get an inclinometer, so that I can figure out what the grade is and then really impress you. In the meantime, take my word for it, it’s steep. 🙂
This morning was all about Monkey too and tonight is the Friends season premier, so I doubt there will be much walking then either. Until we find out the status of Monkey’s health, things are a bit on hold at the moment.