Hard to believe it, but Simply Digital is already up to Episode 5! It’s been an exciting month as I’ve become more comfortable with the podcasting process. Overall, I’m very happy with how things have progressed with the show and where it’s heading.
In the first month, we’d had over 350 listeners (80+ per episode avg.), with some as far as Fairbanks, Alaska, Chengdu, China and North Shore, New Zealand. We’ve accrued $.98 in Google Ads, been featured at Palm Addict, Palm 24/7 and Rohdesign on several occasions. We even landed our first sponsor PDAParts.com. Not every statistic just listed is great, but all-in-all not too bad.
In case you’ve missed an episode, here’s the list of shows thus far:
- Episode 1: Podcasts
- Episode 2: Firewalls
- Episode 3: Treo 700w
- Episode 4: Apple iPods
- Episode 5: Weblogs
The most challenging aspect of doing the podcast hasn’t been creating the content, or producing the show, but the marketing of it. I’ve done plenty of marketing in my day, but Simply Digital presents an interesting challenge. The target audience is the non-geek, or the average joe. If you’re reading this blog, then you’re a step above average. 🙂 So how to you reach an audience that isn’t found in the usual geek hangouts?
I’m still trying to figure that out, so if you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them. In the meantime, please check out the show, subscribe if you like it and fell free to click on a Google Ad or two. 😛
Hey you!
Can you come to the Middle Tennessee Blogger and Podcaster’s Group Meeting on Saturday? I’d like to see if you would be on a panel in October.
Ummm… You can’t market a podcast to non-geeks. If someone even knows HOW to do a Podcast, they are crossing the line from “normal Joe” to “geek.” The only way you’ll get your show heard by less-than-geeks is to get it on the iTunes podcast listing. Maybe it already is, but that’s about all I can think of. A hit on a Google Ad or other banner advertising might get them to the main page, but without a completely brainless “click here to subscribe and listen” button that they never need to come back to, they probably won’t even hear one show, let alone come back for more.
Then again, you guys have probably already done all that, so I’m just blathering…
M — I’m going to try and make it tomorrow.
Greg — Thanks for the feedback. Another case of GMTA, because I’ve thought of everything you just said/wrote. 🙂
However, it looks like I might get some publicity from a Sports radio show, so we’ll see how that turns out.
Thanks again for the feedback!