Like many WordPress users, I’ve been plagued with SPAM comments. I’ve tried disabling comments and a few other things but logging into my blog to find over 100 comments that are clearly SPAM is disheartening to say the least.
So today I setup Google’s reCAPTCHA service using the plugin Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft because I don’t have the time to implement it by hand. I used reCAPTCHA back in the day when this blog was using MovableType but Google has taken over the project and it’s much more elegant.
The other option was to enable Askimet, which is made by Automattic but I’m trying to limit my budget right now. I’ve used Akimet before, when it was free for a personal blog, but they moved to a “Pay What You Want” model and, even though they do allow you to pay nothing, I feel guilty not paying for it. It’s totally worth it and it’s a great service.
My hope is that reCAPTCHA provides me some relief and if you run into any issues trying to comment, please let me know.