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The personal blog of Michael Ashby

Tag / imac

Clacky Types Again!

When I made the switch to the Mac back in 2006, one of the hardest things to give up was “Clacky”, my much beloved IBM Model M keyboard. Not having the Command Key, or a Windows key for that matter, was an unfortunate deal killer for me. Granted the keyboard was made in 1990, so […]

Any Buyer’s Remorse Yet?

Today Apple unveiled new iMacs, which marks the second refresh to the line since I purchased my 27″ i7 back in January 2010. I dug through the specs, like I’ve done before, to see if there was anything compelling enough to consider upgrading. The differences between what I have now and the new 27″ i7 […]

No Buyer’s Remorse Here

Apple just came out with their latest iMacs yesterday, so I took a look at their specs to see how much has changed in the last six months. I’m happy to say very little! If I were to replace my 27″ i7 iMac today, I would get the following: A processor that is .13GHz faster. […]

My Workspace

Our Internet went down for about 30 minutes today, so I used the time to take a couple of new photos and a screenshot of my workspace today. You can find the set on Flickr at this link, or I’ve embeded the slide show below.