Believe it or not, I haven’t been the biggest proponent of weblogs (aka Blogs). For the most part, I’ve found them a bit too ego-centric and dull. Then I learned that some friends of mine that I greatly respect had weblogs. This totally changed my way of thinking. I actually care what these people have to say! 🙂 After talking with Mike Rohde about his weblog and how he was about to keep his family and fiends up-to-date with his family’s coming and goings, I decided to take the plunge. I don’t know quite yet what this web site will turn in to, but I guess we can find out together.
[…] Google Reader has been in the news a lot this week due to the fact that Google is shutting down the service effective July 1. There has been a lot written about the subject and I wasn’t really planning on adding to the conversation, but then I read Mike Rohde’s article Bye Bye Google Reader and as Mike often does, he inspired me. […]