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The personal blog of Michael Ashby

Tag / blogging

Everything Old Is New Again

Went down a little rabbit hole over the past couple of weeks and thought I’d share.

I’ve been sitting back watching Twitter slowly fall apart as a spectator and rather enjoying it becasue it didn’t affect me directly. All the outrage seemed to be focused on those that used the default client app or web site. Not me. As soon as there were 3rd party clients available back-in-the-day (has it been 16 YEARS?!?), I’ve used them. First with Twitterrific and then I migrated to Tweetbot, which I’ve been using since around 2011. I’ve never had ads, promoted Tweets or timeline shenanigans, so I was immune to all the fuss. That all changed last week.

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WordPress Needs More Tumblr Style Templates

I’ve been thrilled beyond belief since switching to WordPress back in 2008 and I continue to be amazed with nearly every update. WordPress is truly fantastic software and it forms the base of any web project that I’m involved in because I can manage just about any type of content I need to. That being […]

Getting Back To Blogging

The other day I noticed a bit of a gap in my daily process of information. I have Pinboard for capturing links, InstaPaper for saving longer articles for reading later, but there are a bunch of odd-and-ends that don’t get captured. Most of these tend to be photos and although I could bookmark them, links […]

How I Blog

This is my third article today and I was contemplating why I was posting so much this afternoon and the answer surprised me — because it’s fun! I have created a toolbox of software that makes publishing to my blog quick and easy. I thought it might be helpful to explain the tools behind, […]

Little Bits Of Brilliance

Dan sent me a link in IM this afternoon that turned out to be quite the find. He said he was searching for the domain to see if it was available and surprised to find that it redirected to a blog entitled Ensuite at The blog is comprised of very short entries that […]

Alchemy In Action

I switched from MoveableType to WordPress back in September of last year and it’s been one of the best decisions that I’ve made regarding this blog. WordPress is just so much easier and, dare I say, FUN to use. There’s a richer developer community, more templates and generally more help out there than there is […]

Paying The Price For Being #1

One of the funny things about having a blog is that you never know what is going to strike a chord with the people that read your blog, or for that matter Google. By some quirk of an algorithm you find that you’re at the top of the charts on one topic or another and […]

Feeling This Thing Out

I’m still a newbie when it comes to this weblog thing, so I’ve been thinking about what type of stuff I would write about. Since I really enjoy reading, I figured a Reading List might be in order. So, I’ve posted a few comments about some books that I’ve been reading recently: The E-Myth Revisited and Getting Things Done. They aren’t all going to be business books, but that’s what I’ve been reading the most of recently.