I’m back from my trip and swimming in a backlog of work, but that’s to be expected. Otherwise things are slowly returning to normal as I continue to gain mobility in my legs. Seems if I need to move them in any other direction other than in a circular motion I’m in for some surprising pain. 😉
Speaking of cycling, I’ve posted all the pictures from my trip in the Photo Gallery. I’m also making progress in posting the first day of the Travelogue. I don’t expect to have everything up until the end of the week given how much content there is to post. The trip was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about myself along the way, so there’s quite a few entries to post. In fact, it makes the think that their must be a better way to manage this type of content because it’s going to be a bear to navigate, much less read. 😀 Until I come up with something better, I’ve added some navigation to the first entry in the archive so that you can jump to a particular day. As always, if anyone has any suggestions on how to organize my Travelogue content, I’m all ears, please post a comment.
Last but not least, tomorrow I’ll begin my regular postings in the main weblog as well. What’s in store? Well, I’m glad you asked. Many of you have made comments about why I haven’t posted a review of The Matrix Revolutions. I’ve been such a nut about the entire Matrix series, that it stands to reason that I might post a review about it. However, I’ve never posted a review on any of the elements of the Matrix saga. Odd huh? Well, to rectify this situation, I’ve decided to do a review of all the elements of the entire Matrix saga in their correct order. Think there’s only three movies in the Matrix series? Guess again. This week I’ll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes. 8)