Hopefully the text message above is an indicator that AT&T is looking to be more proactive in customer service.
AT&T has been ranked lowest in customer satisfaction as far as service is concerned. However, 98% say they’d buy another iPhone on AT&T because they’re so happy with the device.
I’m no huge fan of AT&T, but my service here in Nashville has been good and I’ve been happy with the service since I switched from Sprint for the iPhone back in 2007.
They have sent me several text messages (all free) letting me know about my minutes and text messages remaining, which I think is fantastic. The screenshot above shows a text message of a new cell site that’s been installed near my home.
I haven’t had to deal with customer service, but if the above image is any indication of how they’re being pro-active, I’m all for it.
Wow! Happy to see that! I also switched from Sprint to an iPhone (thankfully on my company’s dime) when I went back to work full-time in September. I had good support from AT&T when I had their DSL at a previous address. Glad to see that they’re being proactive.
Of course, I REALLY would love if devices could be divorced from providers so it would be a totally free market out there, b/c I definitely agree that the iPhone is awesome and me keeping it has nothing to do with AT&T. (Make companies actually work to keep their customers. ;-))
P.S. I know that’ll never happen…just sayin. 😉
I agree with you, I too would like to see the iPhone non-exclusive, but Apple would have to make a phone to support the other networks. Not saying it can’t be done, just that it’s more than just a contract standing in the way. 🙁