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The personal blog of Michael Ashby

Category / site news

A Little St. Patrick’s Fun

With St. Patrick’s day just two days away, I thought it might be fun to replace the smileys I normally use with a set entitled Leprechauns. This icon set was made by Jason and thanks to his hard work, I’m able to easily include them on my site. Thanks Jason!

Time Flies

A child about to touch his first birthday candleIt’s hard to believe, but today marks the one year anniversary of my weblog. That’s right, it’s been one year to the day that I posted my first entry. Since that first short and timid post, I’ve really gone wild! I’ve created a moblog, a photo gallery, a workout log, and I’ve even taken a stab at writing travelogues. All that typing translates into 429 individual entries averaging 417 words per entry for a grand whopping total of over 179,000 words. It just blows my mind when I look at all these stats. :O

Speaking of stats, here’s a few others. Not only have there been three color changes over the past year, in the past 12 months, has served up 171,829 individual pages and had approximately 28,576 unique visitors. It’s been steadily increasing since the launch of this site. Since the first of 2004, I’m currently averaging 1505 pages served per day (14,319 per month) and 132 unique visitors per day (2,381per month). Never in my wildest dreams did I think that people would actually read this silly thing!

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A Quick Update

Dashing On A BicycleI know I haven’t written in awhile and I want to thank everyone that sent me an e-mail, or dropped me an instant message to let me know that they missed my entries. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me. 🙂 Anyway, I thought I should at least give a quick update on what’s been going on and why there hasn’t been any entries in over two weeks.

For starters, I’ve been busy keeping my New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve given this year a nickname – this is the year I “cut bait, or get out the kitchen.” In other words, either I get what I’m involved in organized and working properly, or I drop it and move on. This has translated into a lot of work, but this are progressing nicely and I’m finally starting to see some of the fruits of my labor.

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What’s In A Name Anyway?

Name TagWhen I first created this weblog, I always wished that I had come up with a cool name, or slogan; however I was never successful in thinking up anything clever. I’m envious of web sites like Antipixel and NotPretty. Those names are so cool and unique. Although may be somewhat unique it doesn’t really describe anything. Well I was thinking about stuff today and maybe it’s the overwhelming amount of caffeine that I’ve had today, or the lack of sleep, but a synapse mis-fired and I may have come up with something. I’ve changed the title of the weblog to “That Reminds Me Of A Story…”

If I’m visiting with someone chances are I’m going to use that in a sentence. Someone will say something and it will remind me of something I’ve done, read, seen, or heard about. When that happens, the very next words out of my mouth will usually be “That reminds me of a story,” and I’ll then launch into some story that could be told in 2 sentences, but I’ll stretch it to 2000. I don’t limit myself to just verbal discussions as frequent readers of this weblog are no doubt intimately familiar with. Heck, I can write 2000 words on Windows Movie Maker without batting an eye!

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Sprucing Up The Place

Sprucing Up The PlaceAfter Friday’s entry regarding Plugins and how to tweak MT, I couldn’t help but do a little tweaking myself. That coupled with the comments from my review at The Weblog Review, I thought of a few things that I could do to kind of spruce up the place. There’s a saying that you’re never truly done with a website. There are always things you find that you can do to tweak it just a little bit more. Well, this weblog is no exception and here’s a rundown of what I did.

Add A Description
The first thing I needed to address was the issue of describing what my weblog is about. The name “” doesn’t really tell you much if you don’t know me already, so I added a description to the upper right corner of the main weblog. I’m a big fan of introduction statements on a web page, so I can’t imagine how I missed this one.

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Day Two And Three Posted

It’s taken longer than I thought, but I was finally able to post Day Two and Day Three of the Natchez Trace Bicycle Tour today. Some of the highlights include further tales of roughing it on the Trace, progress on my aching ass and almost getting hit by a truck. Ahhh… good times.

My Author Went On A Trip And All I Got Was This Lousy Content

All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirtI’m back from my trip and swimming in a backlog of work, but that’s to be expected. Otherwise things are slowly returning to normal as I continue to gain mobility in my legs. Seems if I need to move them in any other direction other than in a circular motion I’m in for some surprising pain. 😉
Speaking of cycling, I’ve posted all the pictures from my trip in the Photo Gallery. I’m also making progress in posting the first day of the Travelogue. I don’t expect to have everything up until the end of the week given how much content there is to post. The trip was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about myself along the way, so there’s quite a few entries to post. In fact, it makes the think that their must be a better way to manage this type of content because it’s going to be a bear to navigate, much less read. 😀 Until I come up with something better, I’ve added some navigation to the first entry in the archive so that you can jump to a particular day. As always, if anyone has any suggestions on how to organize my Travelogue content, I’m all ears, please post a comment.

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Postcards From The Edge

I’m back in the saddle as it were . We returned from Destin last night and I was finally reunited with Gracie. I could swear that she has grown while we were gone.

6 Month Anniversary

I still find the fact that I have a weblog a bit odd. I guess I just never saw myself as a writer, much less someone who would post personal tidbits on the web. However, today marks 6 months that I’ve been doing it, so I guess I didn’t know myself very well did I?


I’ve just added a new section to the site – Travelogues (Edit: deleted). The purpose of this section is to give me a place to post my travel notes from my trips. I’m currently on vacation with my wife Holly in Freeport, Bahamas and you can follow along with us as I have time to […]

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