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The personal blog of Michael Ashby

Category / travel

Motorcycle Safety Course

Motorcycle Safety Course, a set on Flickr. It’s been awhile since I’ve ridden a motorcycle, so I opted to take the Middle Tennessee Basic Motorcycle Safety course to clear some of the cobwebs. The course comprises of a Friday evening and all-day Saturday and Sunday. There’s classroom work where you focus on the written portion […]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Thanks to a re-tweet from @brittneyg, I came across this image of Ireland taken from space on a near cloudless day. There’s plenty of interesting tidbits on the resulting landing page mostly related to weather. What I found most interesting was that the photo was taken 3 days before I landed in Ireland for vacation […]

I’m Down With The Soggy Bottom Boys

This morning I read Jeffery Goldberg’s article For the First Time, the TSA Meets Resistance which is about the new security measures being put in place. It seems that they are now introducing Back-Scatter X-Ray machines which are highly invasive, their nickname is “The Dick-Measuring Device”, or a pat down when a TSA officer grabs […]

You Can’t Get There From Here

I’ve had a project for the past few weeks in Downtown Nashville. The bulk of the hard work is over and I’m now in the maintenance phase of the project. Each day I arrive at 7:30am and wait for the users to arrive. Around 10:00am, I’ve done all I can do to ensure everyone is up and running and I head off to go to other client sites. This is the most routine that I’ve had in a long time, at least where I had to be somewhere at a specific time. This change in perspective has lead me to thinking more about my transit habits and how I get to and fro.

There’s always been a bit of envy when I hear about people who commute to work every day with the luxury of taking public transportation. Of course, those of you reading this who take a train/bus/metro every day are probably scoffing at my use of the word “luxury”, but for those of us who don’t commute, it does have a certain allure. Taking a daily train to work conveys to me a sense of peace and calm. Something about letting someone else drive, while you focus on something else seems rather rewarding to me. So seeing that my schedule was such that I had the opportunity to experience a daily commute into Downtown Nashville, I was excited. The thought suddenly popped into my head that I could finally scratch the itch and see if it’s all that it’s cracked up to be.

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Day 1 Photos From San Diego Posted

For my birthday, my family whisked me away to San Diego for an extended weekend. I really couldn’t ask for more, because this place is _fantastic_! We head back home tomorrow, but I was able to get the first day’s photographs posted to Flickr. You can view the gallery at this link –

Enjoy. 🙂

Off To PalmSource!

PalmSource Mobile Summit And DevConIn a few hours, I’m off to board a Southwest flight to San Jose for the PalmSource Mobile Summit & DevCon. It doesn’t start until Monday evening, but Holly and I are going to take a couple of days before and after the show for some quality time for ourselves. So I won’t be back in Nashville until the 31st.

Normally we take our vacation around our anniversary, but with the way the conference, as well as the date of our anniversary, fell this year it just didn’t work out. So we figured we’d delay it a few days and combine it with the DevCon.

I have to admit, Holly’s being a real sport about it because I don’t think a developer’s conference is all that romantic. Her allowing me to enjoy the conference in the middle of our “vacation” shows just what a great sport she is. I’ll try and include her in everything I can, but there’s just so much geek talk one person can take.

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Roan Mountain – Part One

Roan MountainLast Friday, my family took a little weekend vacation up to Roan Mountain State Park. My mother recently changed jobs and is now working for Tennessee Parks and has learned a lot about the park system since the switch. Did you know that Tennessee has the largest number of State parks in the US? Well, neither did my wife and I, so we decided to go explore the North East section of Tennessee and visit Roan Mountain.
We left Friday evening with the intention of driving as far as we could before getting too tired. I secretly wanted to get in the neighborhood, but figured that we’d stop just outside of Knoxville. The ride itself went really smoothly once we navigated around all the traffic within Nashville. Construction is going hard and heavy around where Interstate 24 and 40 meet and there’s monster traffic all around it. I led us through as many back roads as I knew and brought us out onto 40, just near the airport and at the end of all the congestion.

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Back From Across The Border

made it back last night from the Rivera Maya all safe and sound. It was a fantastic trip and could not have gone better. I have a TON of photos as well as a bunch of entries for a travelogue. However, like anyone else returning from a weeks absence, there’s a lot of catching up I have to do work wise. As a result, it will be a few days before I can get the photos, or the travel notes posted.

Hola From Mexico

My wife and I are on vacation this week, so it looks like will be dark for the duration. We return this coming Sunday and should be back to regular posting then.

As for a travelogue of our trip, I´m not going to promise anything. So far my success with Travelogues hasn´t been that great. I post a lot of stuff, but I never seem to finish them 😛 I will tell you this. If I complete the travelogue, then I´ll post it when it´s done.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week and I´ll see you on the flip side. 🙂

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